Tag: mp3
Is Piracy Really Killing The Music Industry? No!
Is Piracy Really Killing The Music Industry? No! | TorrentFreak. via @isohunt blah blah blah…still more evidence to support the idea that declining music sales and music piracy are not related. and more of the same RIAA whining about how they are, despite all data to the contrary. when can we just be done with…
loaves of men
the entire catalog of the once-great and world renown experimental rock band, the loafmen is now available in its entirety for free download. okay, i lied about the world renown part.
fighting music piracy one rapidshare file at a time
sam rosenthal, of projekt records, is back on his piracy soapbox again. he is asking each and every one of you to do your part to help stop piracy. he breaks the world down into two camps: camp a says: “Music should be free, fuck you for thinking I should pay for your music.” camp a is…
gwoździec – more happiness — full album now available on bandcamp
gwoździec – more happiness buy the album and get all the source files in one download, or just download everything for free from the bandcamp site. really happy to have this out there for people to enjoy as a full album as opposed to individual tracks. [clear]
teh s3quence 009: lilah’s mix
a new tradition i’m starting this year is to make mix cds for each of the kids every year. i did one for G a couple months ago, and decided when i finally made lilah’s that i would post it here on teh s3quence. so, here it is: 01 morphine, the night 02 poe, hello…
MusicIP Mix handles huge mp3 libraries better than WinAmp [Abandonware]
let me get this out there: i love winamp. i’ve been using it since its’ inception. i used to listen to tag’s trance shoutcast station back in the day (tag is/was one of the winamp devs and was responsible for a lot of the visualizations that come bundled with winamp). i’ve tried many, many other music…
teh (anti)xmas s3quence
even scrooges occasionally listen to christmas music. it’s just that our taste in christmas music is occasionally a bit twisted. every year i make a playlist for the holidays. here’s the latest incarnation with some of the staples that hang around year after year. 01 john lennon, happy christmas (war is over) 02 the pretenders,…
ashley morgan gives back to his genesis rocket users with free music
whatever your take on the highly successful twitter method genesis rocket is, upstart blogger‘s ashley morgan has an awesome new tweak to his micropatronage system. all past, current and future genesis rocket customers get access to all his albums plus bonus tracks and exclusives. even if you don’t care about genesis rocket, it’s still pretty…
more on the music industry filesharing debate
this post on the uk’s Telegraph shares the results of a recent analysis on where revenue is going. the short answer: it’s what i, and a lot of other people, have been saying for a long time — the big wigs are losing money but, on the whole, individual artists actually benefit from filesharing, even…
fix the broken music industry, revisited
Upstart Blogger restates some ideas I’ve been blogging about for a while. The question is, will anyone listen? Now is the time to force the music industry to change.