gwozdziec: pounding the last nail in

i’ve decided to call the gwozdziec album done.  it’s been almost a year since i first started the project, and it hasn’t moved an inch for several months.  my goal was to produce 10-12 tracks for the album, but rather than trying to drag out a project i sort of lost interest in, i’m quitting while i’m ahead.  i listened to the tracks this morning and i actually quite like them.  i’m not the sort of person who would do an album like chinese democracy and go over and over and over it for 10 years, i’m pretty much the sort to record it, mix it, and be done with it as soon as possible.  and i’m taking the lack of momentum on gwozdziec as a sign that the album is done.

so, i’m gonna get my shite together and upload tracks to the bandcamp site and get the same sort of package deal that s3quence has with the bonus content, except that, this time, everything is free.  it came from free, creative commons sources, and it goes back out into the world with a free, creative commons license.  much like my old band the loafmen, anyone can become a member of gwozdziec by taking the material and doing something with it.  i only ask that if you did want to remix it, to leave the gwozdziec name attached to it, just so there’s a breadcrumb trail left behind to follow.

look for stuff in the coming days — i’d like to get it out before february when my musical thoughts should be focussed on RPM 2010.


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