Category: site news and/or updates

  • recipe site update

    i typed up a couple more recipes today.  they still need to be tweaked to be fully egg/dairy-free, but they can be found in their unabridged state, atm.  also, i found a printer-friendly view plugin, which i’m pretty happy with.

  • new page — recipes

    i put up a new page for all of our recipes. my idea is that we have one central place for everything (since we have a lot of random sheets of paper with printed recipes from various websites/blogs). the first step being putting up all the GF recipes we’ve acquired and/or tweaked so a) we…

  • so what have i been up to…

    before the page was updated, this blog wasn’t seeing much action.  what have i been doing?  well there’s the gavin.  there’s the we’re having another baby soon and the wow, we’ve been married 5 years thing.  i’ve made several ampache themes.  i’ve started a new World of Darkness forum game, and i’ve been learning about…

  • another major page revision

    i set up a new blog site for erin and thought i’d use that opportunity to test out wordpress. i decided i liked it so much that i converted my blog to use wordpress instead of sblog. it’s a lot more robust and has actually seen updates in the last year (which, unfortunately, sblog cannot…