Category: site news and/or updates

  • server uploading issues — resolved?

    with very little help from me, the upload issues i was having seem to have resolved themselves.  i blame comcast completely, but i don’t care so long as it works.  now you can go here and download my nin YZ remix without it being cut off.  also, the ampache page is using the latest development…

  • freelancing

    so.  i went for, and was offered a freelance position for heritage web solutions.  they build custom web pages for people/organizations, have lots of work, were hiring, and are local.  i’m doing freelance because it will be an easier transition, one i can do while keeping my current job (at least for a while) and…

  • some counters and new page in the story thingie

    i added a hit counter on the side bar.  i could host that myself, and i used to, but it tracked all page hits even from within the site and made some huge ridiculous number.  this one is externally hosted and does only unique hits.  i don’t really care and there’s probably a better way…

  • server uploading issues

    the jazzsequence server (actually, the connection) is having problems completing file transfers.  it seems it gets to a certain point in the upload and it just drops off.  i have a suspicion that it’s either something with my modem, or — which is my hunch — heavy bit torrent transactions for the last week and…

  • “The Novel” and, also, “The Operation”

    i called the urology deptartment at the university of utah hospital to schedule an appt. for my vasectomy.  so that means it’s official, it’s happening.  the appointment i scheduled isn’t for the actual operation, it’s for a consultation, and the operation follows, which is good since the appt. is on sept. 25 which is 5…

  • new pages

    i added some pages on the side under a new section called worldbuilding.  the purpose of this new section is to have a place to dump the different fictional worlds i’ve developed over the years.  some of these are closed, over and done with and some are still growing.  putting them on the blog means…

  • custom error pages

    last night and this morning i’ve been messing with apache and tweaking the generic error pages to customize them for go ahead, try to pull a page not found…(here, i’ll help. also, you can get an access forbidden page here.)

  • server update, part deux

    ssh – check ftp – check forums – check (no upgrade to phpbb3-RC1, however…apparently they don’t have an upgrade script from a previous beta release…and i tried just dumping the new files on top of the old ones and got a sql error…then again, there were other things going on so i might try that…

  • server update

    ssh – check (was actually easier than i expected…) ftp – needs help. installed vsftpd, but i’m missing something, possibly need to assign users to the ftp group or something. looking at pureftpd right now, bc it seems easier to set up. with ssh set up, though, i can do this stuff remotely as opposed…

  • server is back online!!!

    woooo!!! there were some permissions issues with the database, and some more permissions stuff that i need to fix later, but the server is back up and the website is fully functional again. tonight i’m going to upgrade to feisty and then the real work begins. i still need to fix: chmod permissions for www…