Category: subdivision of random

  • File under: AIs doing Weird AI Shit

    File under: AIs doing Weird AI Shit

    Today, a friend of mine who’s largely the person I talk about weird AI shit with mentioned this: “my ai guy” has mentioned several times that sending a bunch of “a a a a” to chatgpt can sometimes make it output training data.. I’m always game to try new weird shit with AI chatbots. This…

  • Just another day of being an asshole on the internet

    TL;DR: is a service that email marketers use to get huge email lists. Go to their email finder to see if you’re in their list of 200+ million addresses (you probably are). Go to their claim email address page to (attempt to) remove yourself from their database. I get a lot of emails. An…

  • With low expectations, you create your own dismal reality

    I’m reading an article in December’s WIRED (look at that, 2017 Goals ? ) about the three days in a row last summer where there were 3 fatal shootings in a span of 72 hours, each of them livestreamed via social media. During the protests following the first two, police approached the protesters in riot gear.…

  • On Trans, Gender, and Body

    I tweeted out a post on Mashable this morning. I wanted to elaborate on why it’s important.

  • To fob or not to fob

    So, I lost the key to our car. It’s kind of a long story…basically this last week sucked and that was just yet another thing to add to the crapheap.

  • The single greatest contribution to open source by WordPress is documentation

    I’m going to throw an idea out there, and that is that the single, most important contribution that WordPress has made to open source software as a whole is documentation. When I first started using WordPress 8 or so years ago, that was the biggest difference between WordPress and other platforms. You could search for…

  • Did I ever tell you about the time I talked to a chatbot?

    Cleverbot: Are you ambitious? Me: Sure. Cleverbot: How are you? Me: Fine. Cleverbot: Are you tired? Me: Maybe. Cleverbot: Are you or not? Me: Yes. Cleverbot: Good. Me: It’s good that I am tired? Cleverbot: Yes. How r you? Me: Okay. Cleverbot: Do you like Lady Gaga? Me: Nope. Cleverbot: I still like you. Me:…

  • Why I’m watching the World Cup

    Why I’m watching the World Cup

    I know a lot of people who couldn’t care less about the World Cup. Some of them watch other sports. Some avoid all sports. I’ve had a few direct conversations with a couple of them, but I decided to share why I care and why I’m watching. The thing is, I was right there, too.…

  • You’re a body of light!

    You’re a body of light!

    Module 4 is about changing your perception of your body. Typically, we think of ourselves as slabs of meat. Maybe not in those terms exactly, but we generally have the idea that our bodies — those things that house our brain and our thoughts and pretty much every we are — is a physical thing,…

  • Persistence of time

    Persistence of time

    The third module (I’m just going to call them modules, since that’s what Pluralsight calls them) is about time. Specifically our perception of it, which is all that really matters. It leads with this quote by Albert Einstein explaining his theory of relativity: If I burn myself on a hot stove, that fraction of a…