Tag: ministry of movies
Contagion bacteria billboard
This is pretty neat.
So this is why Hollywood blockbusters aren’t very good
Disney exec says storytelling is B.S. when it comes to B.O. | Blastr. How are we supposed to be expected to shell out $15 a seat to watch a film in the theatre when Hollywood execs like Andy Hendrickson from Disney say things like this: People say ‘It’s all about the story.’ When you’re making…
(via Can’t Unsee: The Dark Knight Rises Poster Is Ruined…
(via Can’t Unsee: The Dark Knight Rises Poster Is Ruined [PIC])
Lazy Teenage Superheroes
This 13 minute independent superhero film cost $300. Three. Hundred. Dollars. Seriously, Hollywood, watch your collective asses. No one cares about your stupid award shows anymore especially when kids are making shit like this for pennies.