Category: department of good parenting
teh s3quence 009: lilah’s mix
a new tradition i’m starting this year is to make mix cds for each of the kids every year. i did one for G a couple months ago, and decided when i finally made lilah’s that i would post it here on teh s3quence. so, here it is: 01 morphine, the night 02 poe, hello…
aaand this is why digg > slashdot
so, don’t get me wrong. i ♥ slashdot, i even like reading the comments for their biting snark, but it’s pretty much a given that if you post something stupid, lame, or sentimental, by anyone‘s standards, you’re asking for a lashing on the old /. sometime over the summer or early in the year there…
the not-so-hidden value of netflix
i’m pretty much completely in love with netflix. it started with some casual experimentation through a friend during college. he had a netflix subscription and we’d often get triple features of obscure asian action flicks (digging deep in the early career of jet li with the once upon a time in china series — which i highly recommend,…