Category: department of special projects

  • Daily Post…well, not really…

    In an effort to get more people blogging more frequently, our pals at WordPress have launched a new campaign called DailyPost.  The challenge is simple, post every day (or at least once a week) in 2011.  Because I like torturing myself with ridiculous rules and projects, I am hereby signing up.  However, I’m not even…

  • Developing tabletop games like software

    Developing tabletop games like software

    I’ve been working on The Long Con in my free time, and when I haven’t been working on it, I’ve been musing over the development philosophy.  I don’t know if what I’m doing is that much different than other open source role playing games.  I haven’t really explored the open source RPG community, I just…

  • Applying open source to gaming

    Applying open source to gaming

    I had an idea the other night that has stuck and won’t go away.  It’s a concept for a role playing game called The Long Con. It’s based, in part, on the BBC TV series Hustle, which is about a team of grifters who practice “the long con.”  Unlike short cons, your standard street cons,…

  • you’ll have to wait for the book [rpm2010]

    it occurs to me that rpm came and went with very little said on this blog about it. i finished my rpm 2010 album.  it’s called you’ll have to wait for the book.  you can listen to it here, on bandcamp, or on alonetone, where my track 1 is currently in the top 40.  there’s…

  • gwoździec – more happiness — full album now available on bandcamp

    gwoździec – more happiness — full album now available on bandcamp

    gwoździec – more happiness buy the album and get all the source files in one download, or just download everything for free from the bandcamp site.  really happy to have this out there for people to enjoy as a full album as opposed to individual tracks. [clear]

  • gwozdziec: pounding the last nail in

    i’ve decided to call the gwozdziec album done.  it’s been almost a year since i first started the project, and it hasn’t moved an inch for several months.  my goal was to produce 10-12 tracks for the album, but rather than trying to drag out a project i sort of lost interest in, i’m quitting…

  • RPM 2010

    i’ve signed up to do rpm 2010.  probably i’m insane with how busy we’ve been lately and i don’t know when i’m going to have free time to crank out some tunes and i never even finished the gwozdziec project i started after rpm last year (although that was more to do with my own…

  • Free WordPress Theme: The Harbinger

    this theme is one that i ran on a fake news site that was part of a RPG erin and i were running over the summer based on a novel we were/are working on.  the name of the news site was The Harbinger and it specialized in reporting news relevant to the vampire/werewolf underworld.  the…

  • learning to do less

    i just got done reading Seth Godin’s manifesto, Do Less.  i’ve actually been reading quite a bit of Seth Godin recently, having decided that his blog is pretty cool.  Seth Godin is a smart guy.  he’s not saying anything revolutionary — in fact, a lot of what he blogs about should be common sense.  but…

  • new look for presenting jazzsequence::metal::

    i’m still putting the final touches on the site, but the new redesigned look is here.  the theory is based on some stuff that has been floating around the net about how websites will become more like lifestreams.  since i’ve never been really happy with any single lifestream client (and i’ve tried a bunch), i…