Category: ministry of movies

  • This…what…I don’t even…

    After watching this, I went down the rabbit hole and decided to try to have a conversation with one of these bots. It went about as well as you might expect.

  • RegEx is a spectator sport

    Newest Pluralsight promo video is out and it’s the first one I’m in (1:39). Authors were encouraged to come up with their own lines. Full disclosure: I suck at RegEx (regular expressions).

  • Took you long enough, MPAA…

    Interesting article on how the movie industry has now suddenly realized they can actually make money on YouTube (something YouTube web series’ and content creators have already figured out) and are (possibly) no longer under the assertion that it is, in fact, evil… After Years Of Trying To Kill YouTube, Movie Studios Are Embracing &…

  • The problem with Netflix’s 5 star rating system

    I have a problem with Netflix’s rating system.  There’s not enough room to be “meh” about something.  Observe: There are a lot of things that Netflix recommends for me that are 3 stars to 3 and a half stars.  This, by Netflix’s terms, means I’d like it but maybe not really like it.  Two stars…

  • So this is why Hollywood blockbusters aren’t very good

    Disney exec says storytelling is B.S. when it comes to B.O. | Blastr. How are we supposed to be expected to shell out $15 a seat to watch a film in the theatre when Hollywood execs like Andy Hendrickson from Disney say things like this: People say ‘It’s all about the story.’ When you’re making…

  • The Hunger Games: The Movie — a prediction

    The Hunger Games: The Movie — a prediction

    This is what I predict from Hollywood — known for taking a good story and butchering the crap out of it — for The Hunger Games film adaptation: The overall premise of being a somewhat chick-centric tale with complex motivations and interpersonal relationships will be overshadowed by the testosterone-fueled Games themselves, turning what could be defined…

  • There’s only one zombie story…and it sucks

    There’s only one zombie story…and it sucks

    After much hype and to-do, I decided to give AMC’s new zombie show, The Walking Dead, a go.  54 minutes into the 1 hour & 6 and I was already bored to death of the headshots, raspy whispers and groaning, and the “ohmygod the last bastion of hope is actually full of zombies but no one…

  • 10 types of scary

    Here’s something topical, since Halloween — my favorite holiday — is just around the corner.  This by no means is an exhaustive list of the different types of scary, but towards the end, I was hard pressed to think of anything that didn’t fit into one of these ten categories.  Backstory: As I was making…

  • Shrinks Diagnose Darth Vader’s Inner Demons

    As much as I love a good romp down Let’s Psychoanalyze Fictional Characters Lane, can I just point out the incredible waste of resources in a team of psychiatrists (that’s right, not just a guy, or some friends at the bar, or even a single, Star Wars-obsessed psych student) diagnosing Darth Vader with borderline personality…

  • lemonade

    this was a big deal on twitter a couple weeks back and i never had time to check it out.  you can watch the full film (it’s 35 minutes) on hulu, and i recommend it.  it’s a great look at the emerging economy of new startups that are coming out of people who’ve been laid…