Category: subdivision of random

  • Programmatic poetry

    I was working on a WordPress plugin today that will allow users/developers to stop a javascript from running on a particular page.  That doesn’t sound very exciting, but it got me thinking about the WordPress adage “code is poetry”.  (Blame this on my recent initiative for going slow — I had this idea when I…

  • Typography and language as a WordPress theme developer

    Today I have submitted Museum Core version 1.0.9. Unless there are any major issues with the update, it should get approved and be available in the WordPress themes repository in the next couple days. Among other features both under the hood and out in the open, this is the first version of any theme I…

  • The problem with Netflix’s 5 star rating system

    I have a problem with Netflix’s rating system.  There’s not enough room to be “meh” about something.  Observe: There are a lot of things that Netflix recommends for me that are 3 stars to 3 and a half stars.  This, by Netflix’s terms, means I’d like it but maybe not really like it.  Two stars…

  • Slacking

    Indeed, that’s what I’ve been doing with this blog lately. I suppose I’m still in the #postaweek2011 game if you include Tumblr posts like the the sexy sax man one. But otherwise, yeah… But it’s not because I’ve been sitting at the computer playing video games or anything.  Doing support for Event Espresso takes up…

  • Simple time management for dummies

    Make a list of all the stuff you need to get done. Create deadlines for each item.* Do it.  And keep to your deadlines. I don’t know what the fucking problem is.  We aren’t in kindergarten anymore, we can take responsibility for our own work.  Constantly being interrupted by Twitter, email, phone, IM?  Turn them…

  • MLK


    I’m not the type of person who likes to commemorate or memorialize the occasion of a day like Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  For the most part, my observation of any holiday is whether I choose to take the day off and (at least since my son’s been in school) influenced by whether G has…

  • Jaded

    Mark’s blog (my blogging buddy for postaday/postaweek) got over 1,000 pageviews on his blogging buddy post which was featured on Freshly Pressed (the front page of I’d like to be excited for him, but having seen this sort of meteoric rise in traffic on a single post in the past (one that’s actually not…

  • [postaday2011] Why did you start?

    Most of the postaday prompts have been, in my opinion, pretty much crap.  Not that I expected otherwise, especially since Automattic acquired Plinky and most of them are coming from Plinky (and you might recall me mentioning that I quit Plinky a while ago).  But today’s warranted a response, I think… What made you decide…

  • There’s only one zombie story…and it sucks

    There’s only one zombie story…and it sucks

    After much hype and to-do, I decided to give AMC’s new zombie show, The Walking Dead, a go.  54 minutes into the 1 hour & 6 and I was already bored to death of the headshots, raspy whispers and groaning, and the “ohmygod the last bastion of hope is actually full of zombies but no one…

  • Why I don’t buy stuff from door-to-door salesmen

    Why I don’t buy stuff from door-to-door salesmen

    Last week, a guy came to the door.  That in itself is a notable occurrence – we rarely leave the house and receive visitors even less.  Unless you count the mailman, which I don’t.  So, when the guy came to the door with a backpack and lacking the requisite suit, partner, and nametag that says…