Search results for: “rpm”

  • Plague Music

    Plague Music is an independent netlabel/production studio that I started after I finished my album for RPM 2011.  There is no criteria for style or sound other than good music.  I formed the netlabel to act as a way to practice and hone my skills at production, something I had previously only done on my…

  • Wasp

    Wasp was written for the 2011 RPM Challenge.  More than anything else I’ve done, this album was a concept album.  The idea was to write a soundtrack that used leitmotifs to represent characters or events (an idea I borrowed from Bear McCreary and Richard Gibbs‘ soundtrack to Battlestar Galactica).  The original concept was to create…

  • Random Song of the Day #18

    There’s an @RPMChallenge song in here somewhere… Slighter – Redline (Club Mix) by colinc

  • Netlabel

    A little bit about me: I went to a University with an adjunct program that allowed students to create their own individualized majors (it’s called the Johnston Center).  You see, my interests and passions were too diverse for me to settle with one single field of study.  We didn’t have letter grades — that doesn’t…

  • A History of Bedroom Music Production — Part Three

    So this is the third and final part chronicling the evolution of my music.  What started out as a fascination with synthesizers largely due to the shallow(er) learning curve turned into an avid interest in electronic and computer-generated music.  Ironically, digging into the history of electronic music sent me in the opposite direction, towards more…

  • A History of Bedroom Music Production — Part 2

    RPM2011 is 9 days away and it seems appropriate to finish this retrospective series before RPM starts.  Part 1 of this series covered the early beginnings of my interest in music up through high school and eventually turning to the computer as a means for producing and recording music.  Part 2 will cover how that…

  • Blogging buddy

    A couple of days ago, the Daily Post blog (that which intends to egg, nag, and otherwise encourage those brave souls who are trying to take part in the postaday/postaweek thing) did a post on “blogging buddies.” Basically, if you’re doing it with someone else, you’re theoretically more able to actually go through with whatever…

  • notes on a new album

    notes on a new album

    Things being tight in this economy, e & I decided not to buy anything for each other for Christmas but instead make things for each other.  The only thing I felt competent enough to make (without doing something lame like a website or a desktop wallpaper or something) was music, so I pushed out a…

  • Review: Black Pepper Sea – Charcoal Essex Park

    RPM is a couple months gone and I still haven’t gotten to listen to nearly as much of what came out of it as I would have liked.  However, one album that was recommended on the RPM forums was Charcoal Essex Park by Black Pepper Sea.  Working in the yard today, I loaded up my…

  • you’ll have to wait for the book

    you’ll have to wait for the book

    you’ll have to wait for the book is my 2nd completed album for the RPM challenge.  for RPM 2010, i plugged in my midi keyboard for the first time in years, rather than just fiddling with knobs, raw sound clips, or a keyboard emulator from a normal computer keyboard.  i think the result is that,…