Tag: youtube

  • [RPM2011] A really freaking early video update

    For no good reason, I sort of decided to video blog my progress in RPM2011.  This is my first update.  It is 21 days until RPM2011. Sign up for RPM: www.rpmchallenge.com Or, if you’re already signed up, sign up for the 2011 Blind Chaos experiment here.

  • Going Google-less – A Week Without Google

    A week ago on my blog, I posted my pledge to go one week without Google.  It was inspired, in part, by the Google/Verizon proposal for the future of high speed and wireless internet that was devised in closed-door meetings, in secret, while the same discussions were being had with the FCC and other major… (read…

  • Don’t be Google: A battle-cry for Net Neutrality

    Don’t be Google: A battle-cry for Net Neutrality

    By now you should have heard about the closed-door talks that Google isn’t having with Verizon that absolutely wouldn’t destroy Net Neutrality as we’ve known it (and Google has argued for it) for the last several years. Here’s the rundown: The New York Times published an article that Google and Verizon were nearing an agreement…

  • Jane Austen’s Fight Club

    This completely made my night.  Wish it was a real film. Hat tip to @allisonr via @SusanVLewis, but you can also read about it on @Mashable: “Jane Austen’s Fight Club” Fake Trailer Goes Viral [VIDEO]… It does raise an interesting question: the people who don’t think this is funny (or, alternately, bloody brilliant), are they unfamiliar with Fight…

  • Middle Name: Danger

    Middle Name: Danger is the brother to Baby SweetTooth.  It’s got the same magazine-style layout and multiple widgetized sidebars with optional video embed and FeedBurner integration.  In fact, everything cool about Baby SweetTooth is there in Middle Name: Danger, the only difference is the boy colors vs. the pink and brown in SweetTooth.  Whereas Baby… (read…

  • Using the WordPress embed shortcode for YouTube, Vimeo, more

    This was going to be a post on building a WordPress shortcode that you’d use like [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=url[/youtube] inside your posts to take care of the embedding.  My experience has been that when you flip over to HTML view to paste your code and then flip back to the Visual editor to finish your post, a… (read…

  • 8-Bit Interactive Twilight: Eclipse

    This is a brilliantly-crafted interactive game via YouTube, that works like a choose-your-own-adventure story for Twilight: Eclipse.  Click on the choices and you can actually steer the story a different way.  Oh, and it’s done in old school 8-bit NES style. Update: In an amazing display of ignorance and thick-headedness, Summit Entertainment, LLC removed 8-Bit…

  • BP Oil Spill Visualized by the Unreal Engine

    This is pretty cool. Also, incredibly nerdy. via @10TimesOne via @GOOD

  • who is that masked “merton”?

    okay, let’s put an and to this ridiculous debate. there is a feud raging across the internet about whether the original “funny chatroulette piano” video is ben folds.  i’ve taken some heat on digg for suggesting that, um, yeah, it is.  so, let’s — just for the sake of argument — pretend that we don’t…

  • Jizz In My Pants response: “Puke In My Mouth”

    this, on the other hand, is glorious via YouTube – Jizz In My Pants response: “Puke In My Mouth” -MsTaken.com.