Category: ministry of writing

  • Post a Week 2011: Blogging year in review

    This year, I participated in’s Post a Week Challenge.  Well, how’d I do? I was using Joost de Valk‘s Blog Metrics plugin, but that only tells you how you’re doing overall and how you’ve done in the last 30 days and, while I could have logged how many posts there were on January 1…

  • A note on details…

    A note on details…

    A couple of years ago I found a book, The Illuminati by Larry Burkett.  I picked it up at a garage sale or a library book sale or maybe it was just lying out on the street.  It’s worn, heavily water-damaged, somewhat mildew-y and I thought that I would read it, you know, eventually.  I grabbed…

  • Grandpa

    One of the things that has been occupying my time the last couple weeks was my grandfather’s funeral, which was last Tuesday.  We drove out to California, visited family and got preparations ready, had a rosary (I’m a recovering Catholic) and then the funeral the next day.  I wrote a thing for the funeral, and…

  • I, Cthulhu, or, What’s A Tentacle-Faced Thing Like Me Doing In A Sunken City Like This (Latitude 47° 9′ S, Longitude 126° 43′ W)? / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / I, Cthulhu, or, What’s A Tentacle-Faced Thing Like Me Doing In A Sunken City Like This (Latitude 47° 9′ S, Longitude 126° 43′ W)?. Gaiman.  ’nuff said.

  • rise above

    [audio:RiseAbove.mp3] so i had this long post all ready to run based on some stuff i discovered through clicking around a certain blogger’s twitter feed.  it became the fictionalized story of two like-minded neophyte bloggers who came to the blogging world from an altogether different online world — the online porn industry.  they both had similar…

  • writing

    so there’s a couple people in the world that know that i’m writing again.  something big.  and something that won’t end up another unfinished project that sits in my sidebar and stares at me.  it goes like this: erin reads the twilight series.  we netflix the first movie.  i am reminded of what i like about vampire…

  • musings on effective branding

    i passed by a billboard this morning on the way to whole foods that said something about build your brand and it made me think about effective branding and what that really means. “branding” is the new buzz-term in internet marketing lingo.  it applies just as much to your corporate identity as it does to…

  • it is done…

    i’m not going to publish the link yet until the client officially approves the site, but my first website for heritage is done. i was able to do most of it over the weekend and on my half day friday, overall spending maybe 8-10 hours working on it total. i was happy to find out…

  • some counters and new page in the story thingie

    i added a hit counter on the side bar.  i could host that myself, and i used to, but it tracked all page hits even from within the site and made some huge ridiculous number.  this one is externally hosted and does only unique hits.  i don’t really care and there’s probably a better way…

  • writing, part 2

    i started writing this morning. i’ve posted the first piece of what i hope to turn into something. i have no idea how much of what i’m going to write i will end up keeping, but i have a master plan for the story, i know my main character well, so i’m hoping this can…